“Can you count?”, Cyrus said in ‘The Warriors’.
“Can you count? Can you imagine the amount of empty cans that there are in the world?” The majority, unfortunately, end up being thrown on the ground of halls of game, yards, tunnels, etc…
The people from CanLove, via their new project, CANLOVE: 1500 Project, propose doing something with those dirty, rusted spray cans: collecting, manipulating, and cutting them, and using the parts to construct something new.
From Montana Colors, true to our slogan, Keep the Planet Clean, we are participating by offering 1,500 unsellable white 94 cans, which the people at CanLove have used to make a huge canvas for painting upon.
Can Love Project in association with: White Walls, I.C.U. Art, Escape and Montana Colors.
2 What do you think?
awesome ^_^
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