We’ve been getting a non-stop stream of photos of the most awaited event of the year, and probably of the last decade: Art in the Streets. At the MoCA in Los Angeles, some of the most important names in the field gathered, including artists and creators, photographers and producers, musicians and art gallery owners, all coming to demonstrate once more, to public and private institutions, politicians and media, the solidarity in ‘this side of art’.
Montana Colors participated in the MoCA by making the limited edition product which you can see below, based on a wall by Chaz Bojorquez.
We’ll leave you with a quote from a tweet by Craig KR Costello left a couple of days ago: “I’d guess that 90% of the artists in the MOCA show have been arrested for exactly what we were all invited into the museum for.” Something that almost sounds like a premonition of what happened to Revok this week… Sad but true.
Each one of Martha Cooper‘s photos at the show in L.A., taken from his 12oz blog, could easily be our “photo of the month”. We’ll leave you with a nice selection of them. Enjoy…
With Jeffrey Deitch
Sharp, Fab 5 Freddy and Futura
Lee, Henry Chalfant, Haze and Duster.
Os Gemeos
¡And a couple of videos!
2 What do you think?
BLU Why is it not in this exhibition? The art of the street would there be limits to freedom of expression? The art market would he hard to integrate the work of producing meaning, beyond the agreed upon? The episode in December 2010 at MOCA is quickly evacuated, I think … http://next.liberation.fr/culture/01012312390-les-cercueils-de-blu-plombes-par-le-moca I’ll go see the work of BLU in the streets, keep your tools speculation museum For more news, soon: http://ecritique-revue.over-blog.com/ A + Sabine
really great work !!!
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