They just opened the doors to the fourth edition of the international public expo ‘Êtres Aimés‘ in Paris, and we are talking about eight huge public paintings and murals in the center of the french capital made by artists Axel Void (España-EEUU), Atma (Francia), Macs (Italia), and El Niño de las Pinturas (España).
Eight anonymous portraits selected by the people in the same neighborhood which since saturday adorns the buildings around the Louvre.
Jean Noel by EL NIÑO DE LAS PINTURAS, Immeuble Vinci:
Majid Hejaj by EL NIÑO DE LAS PINTURAS, La Samaritaine:
Mouloud by MACS, Les Halles:
Jack Kuzma by MACS, La Samaritaine;
Elsa by AXEL VOID, La Comedie Française:
Michel Theraud by ATMA, L’Eglise Sainte Eustache:
George Etinne by AXEL VOID, le Beffroi de la Mairie du 1º, place du Louvre:
Mme Chaleyat by ATMA, la Mairie du 1º arrondissement. 4 place du Louvre:
2 What do you think?
Hi there, Who is michel theraud? I'm a copy of this man and i'm shocked! Regards
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