To many writers the biggest struggle in graffiti discipline is the search for you’re own style, a long road without end.
The Style Roulette takes it to another level. This is a challenge which puts to the test the dynamics and capacity of assimilation of other styles. 6 writers will be put to test after a shuffle of names and styles.
Our participants this is, no ones more, no ones less than:
BRK192 (Madrid)
ISER (Barcelona)
MUSA (Barcelona)
PANT (Valencia)
SAWE (Barcelona)
SPOK (Madrid)
In random order, the names of the writers will be written on a roulette wheel. This way, each of the writers will make a sketch of the tag of the person sitting their left, but making it in the style of the writer to their right.
After the draw, the order of the participants is following.
Accordingly to the roulette wheel:
ISER: has to draw the tag of ‘MUSA’ in the style of SPOK.
SPOK: has to draw the tag of ‘ISER‘ in the style of SAWE.
SAWE: has to draw the tag of ‘SPOK‘ in the style of PANT.
PANT: has to draw the tag of ‘SAWE‘ in the style of BRK.
BRK: has to draw the tag of ‘PANT‘ in the style of MUSA.
MUSA: has to draw the tag of ‘BRK‘ in the style of ISER.
2 What do you think?
Buenisima la idea, además va de puta madre para refrescarse uno mismo y ponerse un poco a prueba. A ver que tal los resultados ;)
Parece divertido. Me apetece ver lo de Sawe creo q lo va a clavar
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