“There can only be three reasons to why you do not already now about the 123Klan: You have to be either Tom Cruise or from another planet, or you simply still believe in marketing.”
With Sento
We also take our time out to look closer at these partners from the north of France who just recently settled in New York, the same way they have settled as elite graffiti artists and international designers. Part from enjoying the styles that the 123‘s got us used to, we can see how the new generations claims to take over where they left… A good example is Tommy aka Junkyt.
With Jasper Wong
Its definitely worth taking a look at the work they did with Dabs Myla, Og Slick and Askew, also from the same event in its edition 2012 with Flying Fortress.
As if you didnt get enough… heres some more walls for you as a tip!
With Cope2
2 What do you think?
RECorrijo, en castellano se ve en blanco, en ingles por el contrario se ve perfecto
Perdon Fallo de mi ordenador -.-' PD borrad los comentarios pls
ojo, Os la dejasteis en blanco!
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