From Terrassa (Barcelona), we introduce you to the magnificent Flash who presents his three aces.
‘This one I made in January 2012 with some leftovers of blue plastic paint, a couple of whites and scrap cans for details. Looking at how limited my material was I really like the result. I love making big pieces with roller paint, it doesn’t take time and you cover a lot of space.‘
‘Sometimes I prefer to write “Poison”, I like how it sounds and this piece I made in the beginning of 2010 with a bunch of half empty cans I had. I like it for the fact that I nailed the sketch at first go, and the combination of colors are just the cans I had at home that day. The Vaughn Bode characters was made by my friend Seif aka Perla 5.’
‘This one is from the end of 2012… I really enjoyed this one. I had a lot of paint with me, so I had the possibility to play around a bit more than I am used to. The magenta line next to the Amarillo Claro (Light Yellow) and Mandarina 3d was the only thing I planned out before going, the rest is just improvisation as I usually do when I paint, but this time with access to a lot of colors and being able to try new things.’
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