On our own national level of festivals, Cantamañanas International Urban Art Festival, was held in Huarte (Navarra, Spain). They have celebrated their 10th anniversary, so the organizers hasn’t held back from inviting artists from the rest of Europe or even names from over seas, as for example quite some interesting artists from Mexico.
The line-up has been following: Shack, Pulso, Olmo, Arturo Damasco, Erase, Arsek, Bond, Hombre, Polen74, Malakkai, Brazo de Hierro, Kuru, Sawe, Foner, Rage, Frik, Kade, Mate, Den, Jorgers, Al, Pin, Dino, Kraw, Sega, Saoka, Mse, Moskw, Gero, Pare, Corte, Broe and Storm. This great bunch of writers and artists has all painted the same mural. An enormous wall where they had to coordinate their collective work with finesse, unlike the years before where the invited artists where assigned separate walls.
Our fellow writer Este from GFM fills us in on his experiences of the event, and a Gif can be seen of one of the cars which left Barcelona to attend the festival up in Huarte.
“It is always nice to get away and have some fun while painting. I left with Foner, Iesk, Kuru and Sawe on a mission to Navarra to find some sex, drugs & rock n roll, and we ended up painting and drinking beers with a lot of nice people! It is always a pleasure to be invited to paint at Cantamañanas in Huarte, happy 10th anniversary, and thanks again!!”
Este GFM.
Photos by Jorgers y José Afterol.
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