The legendary founder of MOAS (‘Monsters Of Art’), Mins, show us his three favorite pieces. You can read the interesting stories behind them:
‘I really love this photo, and it was my first color whole car. We where two different crews at this time, so it could not be a MOAS piece at this time… But when we finished it we where all really happy with the result…
This photo is so great, I love graffiti.
Later it stood in the buff, and at that time you never saw any wholecars like that. This was back in 1991 and made by the four original MOA crew members, Fusk, Mins, Fire, Game… together whit Fak crew Che, Tem…‘
‘This is a ‘Mins’ piece I never will forget, it was a hot summer in Klampenborg,,, I really wanted to hit this shitty train because they cleaned it so many times that it almost became white after all the chemicals they used to buff it with. I’m lucky I’m not a stupid buffer…
When we came to the yard around 11:00 I saw this white buffed train and I said, hey, I wanna do that one, but the other guys didn’t understand what I was talking about. To them a train was a train, but I really needed to do that specific wagon, and I did it. If you look closer at the photo you can really see how many times they cleaned that car…
Its not that often I do my own name, since my crew is the shit. It doesn’t matter to me who does the sketch and who did this and that, I don’t care as long as its made by the crew. We always did it like that, and we love our crew style… It is familia to us… But that day I needed to do one of my own…‘
‘This photo is really important to me… First of all we did it and then when we came back the next morning they had already buffed it. Fucking assholes… We where really pissed off….The same day we went to the can shop to buy the same cans so we could do the same whole cars as the day before over again. Fuck the buff…This is also the story of my graffiti life. I always looked up to Tats Cru when I started do write, my idols where Kenn, Cem, Bio, Nicer, BG183, Shame125, Brim, Wow… Those where real graffiti writers to me, and not seen as much as most of the guys seen in Style Wars. When it came out, Style Wars was just a movie. I think in real life there was a lot of other writers than the ones who got fame in the movie. And, they still live with that fame today, but still, big up… When it come to rap, my biggest idol was, and still is, Fat Joe aka Mr Terror Squad and his writer name Crack… So when How and Nosm came to Copenhagen to visit me and asked if we wanted to join forces like MoasTats, I was like “no way, this is to big for me”. I was so proud and happy and this was something I never even could have dreamed of. It was about to happen, and it did, I’m still happy about it, and love to be a part of the VIMOALL TATS FAMILIA. It is all like wow, the biggest dream come true ever!‘
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