Montana Australia has made a interesting interview with Jiesk. A writer from the Sydney graffiti scene that has been active since 1986, which also expresses himself through photography. We present some of the work we found most interesting together with some pictures to show you proof of his skills both as a writers as well as photographer.
‘Personally, I think sketching is hugely important. I will work on a sketch for hours before I am happy with it. For me the letters don’t just happen, I really have to work hard.’
(Quality or quantity) ‘Quality, without hesitation. I don’t even take it in if its rubbish.‘
(The scene) ‘It changed a lot since i started, and definitely for the better. It used to be about crime and being a hardass, whereas its more about the art these days, which means pieces and graff in general can only progress quicker.‘
‘I’d definitely say 94 for low pressure and great control, but I do like the Hardcore’s high pressure for a “speedy application”.‘
(Photography) ‘I wanted to give a connection between the writer and the person, to document what a graffiti artist goes through.‘
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