“Carta certificada… és sempre liada” (‘Certified Letters it´s always bad news’) by Oriol Last Minute at El Montana Café Restaurant. Friday 21st of february from 20 h.
Dj set by Riki Undersounds. Supported by Montana Colors in collaboration with Moritz and Jägermeister.
Oriol Last Minute is a genuine person from a generation which extends their youth on their quest towards being able to live from what they love doing.
Not without problems, but without being to stressed about it, he has achieved to create a very personal style in illustration, painting and more recently, tattooing.
His fun and positive type of efficiency has let him find a solution to his problems without missing out on the fun things in life. A example of this is might be his collection of fines he has been given by the police, true “souvenirs” through which he can remember his drunken adventures, and which some now will be exposed in his show.
On the other hand, The Vallés native from the rural areas of Barcelona now lets us see his more subversive side of creating: A critical type of soul who will never renounce his “dirtier side”. A good opportunity for us to mess things up and to, once again, having the mailman come all the way up to our front door. Text by Roger S. i R. (NewNow Collective)
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