This coming Thursday 3th of July, Montana Gallery Barcelona presents another interesting art show which will expose the works of Latin America’s four most known urban artists.
INTI (Chile), JAZ (Argentina), SANER (Mexico) y DECERTOR (Peru) is the line-up of this remarkable show which with no doubt will be spoken of. Don’t miss this!
“Barroco Mestizo”
Opening night is Thursday 3rd of July 2014 from 20h.
Expo open from the 4th of July until the 30th of August 2014.
“In the city of Cuzco, five days before the month of December in 1583, in front of the Escribano Publico and Testigos, Pedro de Santángel was put out to make an altarpiece of Nuestra Señora de la Soledad. The piece had to be painted with oil colors, be free from personal interpretations, and have two golden moldings and edgings in color, all at the expense of Pedro de Santangel”.
For the first time, four Latin American artists, all from different countries with booming art scenes, are invited to expose their works together at Montana Gallery Barcelona.
The artists Inti (Chile), Jaz (Argentina), Saner (mexico) and Decertor (Peru) will present an exhibition under a common theme in reference to the letter from the 16th century we just read a brief extraction from here above.
In these days it was common to invite the local mestizo artists from the villages around to present european engravings in a accurate way, forbidding any type of personal interpretations or own creativity. These activities obviously never had the results they asked for, and always had a touch of the artists own worldview of their hometowns.
These four artists are about to present a retake of this tradition by presenting their own interpretations of these old engravings, just like they did 500 years ago. It is a continuation of this intercontinental relation through art, and it reaffirms, in the same way, the unwillingness of the artists to reproduce external interpretations.
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