Nemel of DFW IRAK FMK is one of those writers that has amazing handstyle. Marker or spray… His tags stands out in a fresh way either in style, flow or technique. Getnloose had the opportunity to make an interview.. Dont miss it!
‘My main influence coming up when I was a youth in Philadelphia, were writers like Dane121, JM, Meez, Espo, Suoc, Kadism. Now I’m incluenced by people who bomb properly with tags and throw-ups, tagging is base of graffiti existance.’
‘My favorite city is San Francisco hands down, New York is next. But my heart is for San Francisco because it breeds so much mayhem and chaos yet has such beauty, if you are smart you can make San Francisco home and be very productive but it’s a tricky game and I’ll leave it at that.’
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