Nothing less than VIMS! Swedens most notorious crew of all times is here participate in our VERSUS Project. As we might have expected, the format for this round is metal: A Stockholm commuter train. The spirit of ‘Vandals In Motion‘ stays alive, and just as sparkling is ‘Rojo Akari‘ (‘Akari Red’), which is the color of choice of one the members of this historic crew. Most defenitely… ‘Vandals Emotion’.
How many pieces have you made in one single day?
A couple of window-downs and some whole car, I can remember that this day was quite stressful.
In how many cities have you painted?
I do not really know but around 10-15 something. I mostly like painting in Stockholm.
Which is the biggest issue you have faced while painting?
Becoming finished painting and getting the kids to school.
Which color have you chosen and why?
If you mean the piece on the film I choose Akari Red, because red is a fresh color, and it covers well.
What is the maximum time you have gone without painting?
6 month or so…
How was you’re experience of painting with Hardcore2?
The Montana Hardcore 2 was nice and smooth, good pressure too.
2 What do you think?
"escojido" con "j",el otro día vi escrito reyeno con "y"... Cada vez es más común encontrar en ésta página faltas ortográficas que hacen daño a la vista, un vistazo al texto antes de publicarlo creo que no vendría mal... Por lo demás, se agradece poder ver un sitio con una actualización constante y mucha variedad de contenidos. Muy buenas todas las entregas del proyecto versus, genial iniciativa.
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