Smole has poured out all the flavor possible from his graffiti universe for this next exhibition at Galerie At Down in Montpellier. He wants to share the trackside lifestyle with the public in the most sincere way possible: with his artwork. Now is the perfect moment to go through some of the latest pieces being generated by this relentless writer, and also, we’ll take this opportunity to show you the video announcement for the event.
For this solo show, Smole has focused all of his energy on glorifying the railway world that he knows so well. Recently settled in Sète, a city that’s always been loved by artists, he dedicated some time to salvaging materials that can be found on the train lines. Once those objects were selected, he gives them a second life thanks to the letters and other artistic meanderings by this big kid who’s 34 years old.
20 rue du plan de l’olivier
04 67 54 26 32
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