There are many ways of defending freedom of expression and today we bring you an example that took place in Italy last June.
It happened in Sicily; that same region full of smells and beauty that has exported so many cultural referents to the world.
Golden Lemon Jam is the name of a competition sponsored by Canditfrucht S.p.A., along with Montana Colors and Graffitishop. In the competition, twelve national and international artists had the opportunity to paint the company’s silos and give life to their smooth, monotonous surfaces. Among them, there were Pablo, Zoow24, Mser, Thenewolder, Chusky, Flecso, Leroy, Kero and Eso.
Congratulations to Mser on winning the contest!
We’ll leave you with a video and some images that perfectly illustrate the event and how successful the gathering was.
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