How many times have we heard people say: everything comes back? Life is a wheel.
Today we bring you another example that this, once again, is true.
Nike, through Collater magazine, is celebrating the year of birth of their mythical Air Max 90 and have relaunched, and by doing so they have focused on the world of 90’s graffiti in the cities of Milan and Barcelona through the documental “Getting Up” . The protagonists are two writers that have been, and are references of 30 Style Writing in both cities.
From the Italian city, Luca Barcellona, calligrapher, and lettering artist explains how those years were in their environment. From Barcelona, Musa71, walks us through the memories of her first 10 years of those 31 she has been writing graffiti. She tells us how that decade was for her in the city through this short documentary, infusEd with history but not nostalgia.
In short, a journey through time that brings us back to the innocent and promising principles that reflects the foundations of this culture in two cities that has been key places to its current development.
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