In collaboration with the artist Nacho Magro and the Bilbao collective, CONSONNI´s GRAFFITI LIBERATION FRONT (G.L.F.) is an artistic project that analyses graffiti and other forms of (re)presentation of urban subculture as signs that produce symbols that represent an ideology, as well as the appropriation by certain social groups of tools that allows them to have a form of expression of their own from their position in society. G.L.F. also analyses the capitalization and commercialization of this kind of aesthetic and the formalization of its radicalism within the system itself.
You will also be able to participate in the debate session called “Graffiti and Systems, Bridges and Borders” on Saturday, November 27th at 6:00pm at Hika Ateneo in Bilbao.
The session will be divided into three parts: “From the public space and its trivialize” by Francesc Muñoz, “From graffiti to street art” featuring presentations of Francesc Muñoz, Remedios Vicent, Mischa Caníbal de Parafernalia, Angelo Milano (from FAME Frestival) and Pablo España (Democracy Collective), followed by a round table with speakers led by Nacho Magro.
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