More than 20 years painting all over the world, ZOSEN‘s colorful, geometric, and tribal style has made him one of the the most prolific and respected artists in the Barcelona scene. But he is not only that. He’s also the new collaborator for Herokid. The 40 tees he designed exclusively for them are available as a limited edition. You can buy it now with the Magic Box Pack that comes with a serigraph printed canvas bag. We’ve even put the first 30 copies on sale of the design in a Risograph Print, 42×29.7cm.
Last video about Zosen…
2 What do you think?
Zosen art is great !!!
Mr-who, EL VIDEO NO ES DE CONCRET WALLS sino parte de la programación del programa de t.v. DO (denominació d'origen). Ha coincidido que la camiseta y el video se han lanzado la misma semana ;) Más info acerca de DO: http://www.xtvlblocs.cat/do/2011/07/la-catastrofe-del-posmodernismo-por-zosen-bandido/
lo siento pero esto no es de concrete walls project
Esta bien, es un buen trabajo, pero me esperaba muchisimo mas de concrete walls...
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