No questions, he´s the guy rocking’it right now. His original characters and skills with several techniques, mostly on big walls, made ARYZ the new ‘enfant prodige’ from Barcelona and one of the names you heard the most, all around the globe. We could not miss him in our Limited Ed. Hall of Fame!
After a few years working with the brand, how has this collaboration come about now?
There’s been a mistake, kind of misleading… I always thought the this limited editions thing was for people that really know whats up. I’m very happy to be a part of it.
When the whole thing started, did you already have an idea for the 400 ml can? Or did it take a bit more time for you to develop the theme?
I wanted to do something related to the product. The first reasonable idea that passed through my head was the word ‘incognito’… then stuff started moving along, and I´m not sure how faithfull it remains to the initial idea.
Have you decided on a color?
At first I had it in my head not much saturated, which would have gone with the initial idea I had, but when I finished the drawing, I figured that a red was fitting better to the final drawing.
After putting your art on buildings with facades of up to 30 meters in height, how do you feel about having a creative space of just 15 cm?
On the huge walls, you do a little something, and theres no doubt you’ll be seen and heard. When it comes do doing a piece that is 6 inches, you gotta work a little bit harder.
What’s your creative process, normally? We imagine you normally start out on paper; how do you feel about working with digital? What are the pros and cons of it?
When it´s time to work, I draw, take a nap, then get back up and keep drawing… but when there ain´t nothing to do, I´m up to nonsense all day long.
I start on paper, then do the color digitally. I try and do the important part by hand because I prefer to be in front of paper instead of the computer screen.
What with this basically being a decorative object, what would you like to communicate with it?
For me, the opportunity to do one of these limited edition spray cans is a complete trip. If the people actually like the it, I couldn’t ask for more.
How did 2010 go for you? We saw that you recently did some interviews on various mediums, as well as participated in several festivals.
It’s been hectic. It’s been nice though because I´ve been able to paint huge walls overseas which, up until this point, I´ve never been able to do.
Considering the trajectory of graffiti writers and artists, is the next step is to present yourself in another way, like in an exposition?
If everything goes right, at the end of October I should have an exposition at Montana Gallery Barcelona. It’s a personal challenge for me to be locked indoors for hours in order to try and create something meaningful. At the moment, I haven’t even started… I should start getting serious.
Do you think you’ll ever see your work and characters in 3D? Does the idea appeal to you?
Sculpture is very appealing to me, but it would require a workspace that I don’t have… the area and a place to store everything would be a problem. But the idea is definitely always on my mind.
Could you share with us any plans for projects in 2011?
Change the light bulb in my room.
2 What do you think?
me encanta como pintas es imprecionante como una persona puede tener tanta creatividad con los personajes y colores solo una pregunta ¿de donde se inspira o te inspiras para poder crear tan asombrosas obras. me no han pensado en si pudieran veir a mexico ha hacer una precentacion . me decido y mando saludos desde mexico ate:eliot
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