Here’s an account of a day of graffiti with Hawaii Computers (Biz, Rocki, Vino, Japón, Hosh, Pako), in a canal in the outskirts of the centre of Barcelona.
The first person story is told by Rocki and the Polaroids are from JRF Smith.
Well, this time, the idea was Biz’s; he thought of it, he drew it, and then he showed us a few color options for the fill. Once we chose a color, we got stuck into it. It’s almost always this way with us, when we’re starting a project; one or a few of us comes up with an idea which is presented to the rest of us, and after working out the details with the entire group, we plow through it. Throughout the painting day, as we work on the mural, we get a clearer and clearer view of how the result should be, as we work out the final details such as, for example, Japón’s idea of alternating the color of the highlights with the fill color. As always, the day was perfect. Rocki
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