I live in place (Barcelona) where you can find everything, a place where nothing is free. Wide open streets, full of light. Narrow streets, dark, dank, easy to get lost in. Constant paradoxes that speak only truth. And without question, my city is full of lies.
Everything mixes, everything is blurred, the people, the buildings, the vehicles, and the walls.
But there is something I can’t stop seeing, no matter where I look. Like a plague: letters. Letters of every shape and nationality. Letters, letters and more letters. With sinuous curves, and exaggerated angles. Some tell stories, while others look like discarded umbrellas in the metro. Big letters, small letters. ABC’s that become labyrinths, engulfing us.
“My city sits on the edge of an ocean of letters.”
Wall artist: APES. Video produced by Herokid. Supported by Mtn-world.
Subtitles: Shawn Sayles. Music by: Laura Llopart. Cinematographer: Albert Salas.
Edit 3d & Animation: Scar Studio.
2 What do you think?
Conmovedor, muy significativo con elgef¡gancia.... pocos adjetivos para describirlo, otro gran exito de comcrete walls Big up for apes (Y) -Saludos desde mallorcaa donde perdura tu obra junto a los garrulos
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