Speaking about NEKO, about the exposition which opened on Thursday the 20th of October, is a little bit awkward. It’s awkward because his work is hard to classify.
Neko kind of backs you into a corner, he seeks out limits and controversy, and obliges you to redefine your ideas about graffiti. He also teaches you new ways to use the street, to view the street.
At the Montana Gallery, we have goosebumps again; we saw a phenomena be produced, to which we’re not accustomed. An exposition is an invite into the world of the artist, or what the artist wants to show you. With Neko, it’s all intensified. The spectator experiences the sensation that they are in someone’s house, poking around in the hidden nooks and crannies. This is a tour of the modus operandi of a strange and restless writer. Maybe you don’t quite believe me… so come and see for yourself.
2 What do you think?
Ese es uno de los ABC que cabrones uy buena expo
Los mundos de nekooooooooooooo, y que mundos! que savoafair ! Realmente curioso lo que hace este tipo.
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