Kami TFP might have been the first spanish writer to travel to the mecca of graffiti. Without doubt he plays an important part of history on the spanish scene and are responsible for (among many other things) planting the seed of “Madrid-style” with is so characterizing for the capital city.
However, he is also famous for his career as an MC in the classic spanish rap group CPV, but thats another story…
Vandalhostel has made a very interesting interview with him. Check out some of the pics and commentaries we felt were relevant…
“(…) I feel pretty bad about a lot of places we have looted, no repentance whatsoever for what we got from the Pryca or Preciados Galleries, it is wrong to steal from the stores of normal people though, hard working people.“
“(…) For almost everything was a mission to break in, climb and dodge fucking razor wire…
In that time I got to know different depots, but I’ve never been a train writer , if it doesn´t stay in traffic, I don´t find much sense in it … I like more the setting “all city”, I’ve never understood the concept of painting just for the photo…“
“(…) There are tremendous things out there, things that can make you smile or inspire you to think of more than just a signature or a silver piece or something, it´s a totally different story…“
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