Smote aka Fons, one of the emblematic writers of the city of Elche (Spain), has been interviewed by the British website Usual Suspects. Here we bring you the interview …
Who are you and where you live?
I am Smote/Fons, and I’m from the city of palm trees.
Meaning behind the name?
Don’t have one.
What got you interested in graffiti?
Thanks to my friends, I felt empty and the graffiti was the key.
What is your earliest memory related to the graffiti?
A jacket that I bought my mother being rather small, with style wars on it . And my older cousin (Psycko6) who was painting with his friends…..
Who were your main influences when you started?
Yuri, Toma, Bepo.
How is the scene in your city?
I consider it very active and stylish, very few actually paint, but we paint every style and carry on the war.
Who in your opinion is the best team in their city and why?
The PRS K5U are without a doubt.
The best cities I’ve painted in?
Any city is good, but each has its best bits.
The best time to paint.
In the past people seemed to have more tolerance for graffiti, paint where we wanted and there was less police. Those were different times.
The worst time of painting.
Now that fines and intolerance reign in the streets ….. but I can say that I still enjoy graffiti as much or more than the first day I did.
Has graffiti ever brought you to places and situations you never thought you would be? If so what is the craziest night or most memorable for you?
I have spent a lot of good, bad, funny, scary, a whole cocktail of feelings …. I usually do monologues and always laughed at.
What pushes you to move on?
My personal satisfaction and friendships that I have created within this movement. And of course, my girl Aire that supports all my craziness.
Do you have any advice for young writers?
Studying to become judges and get rid of jail ….. If painting is a crime then God forgive me.
Are there plans for the future?
Freestyle! always.
Steel or walls?
What ever I can. Rather wall …..but it all depends.
Booze or drugs?
Everything possible, but in moderation. Love ganja.
Do not stop, I enjoy all styles of music , everything has its time. I love music.
Shout outs!
A big hug for all my people …. K5U.PRS.BLACKMAGIC.
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