In case you didn’t remember, we are here to remind you. The multifaceted Canadian writer and artist, Scott Sueme, has during this passed summer been going around leaving traces behind him in cities like Cape Town, Amsterdam and Barcelona where he was welcomed by the hospitality of MTN and close friends of ours.
Here is the video that in images sums up his adventures with his friend, Dj and producer of the video, Bikes. Friends & family!
This summer, Artist Scott SUEME traveled overseas to paint in Europe and participate in the “A Word of Art” residency program in Cape Town (South Africa) along side his friend, DJ, and film maker BIKES.
The first installment of their tour video features Sueme painting in Amsterdam & Barcelona. A big thank you goes out to everyone at Montana Colors for their first class hosting and warm welcome in Barcelona!
The second part of their tour video will feature Bikes playing gig’s in Cape Town and at “Afrika Burn” while Scott prepares a body of work for an exhibit in Cape Town.
Video produced by Don’t Look Creative Studio in Vancouver BC.
A tour sponsored by Montana Colors.
Below these lines, prepping for “Chance Visitor” opening along with Andrzej Urbanski at AWOA in Capetown.
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