WHAT: Artist RIME aka Jersey Joe from the infamous MSK and Seventh Letter crews makes his print debut with his custom Arrest Sheet sets exclusively on 1xRUN.
-Felony Arrest Sheets – Embellished Edition of 30 – (5) Double Sided 8 x 8 Inch Archival Pigments Prints in Custom Arrest Sheet Folder with Hand-Embellishments + Unique Drawings from RIME.
-Misdemeanor Arrest Sheets – Standard Edition of 20 – (5) Double Sided 8 x 8 Inch Archival Pigments Prints.
-Original 8 x 8 Inches Artwork created with Pen, Marker & Gouache on Found Police Arrest Sheets.
-Promo Video – View The “WRAP SHEETS DETROIT FANTASTIC” bellow.
-Interview With RIME with Process Photos + More at here.
WHEN: Friday, February 8th 2013 at 12PM EST on 1xRUN this release will be available for one week or until the edition sells out.
WHERE: This print, images, artist Q&A and additional information available here.
ARTIST STATEMENT: “I came across the Highland park arrest sheets in 2011, a year before the Detroit Beautification Project began. Revok had recently moved to Detroit and invited Roids and I out to make art for the 2011 Perseverance art show. While on that trip we came across the police station before it was torn down. Then the portfolio sets and sheets were finalized and everything was assembled and embellished over the past 2 months. I usually work on 10 to 15 drawings at a time, kept in a stack. I would flip through and work on one until I hit a wall, then flip to the next and so on. With these it would take anywhere from 2 hours to 2 weeks to complete one. ” – RIME
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