Ale is an extraordinary and singular swiss writer and member of the international crew VLOK. The peculiarity of this writer is his own personal and different style with influences very hard to define. Azul Avatar (Avatar Blue) is the color of choice that Ale will use to show his skills, and, on a quite charismatic surface: The train. Stay alert wile watching because the spontaneity of this writer is in a class of its own.
To complete the show we also add a brief interview based on the qualities of the new Hardcore 2, and as a bonus a small review of some of his pieces.
What is the most pieces you have made in a single day?
I don’t know, maybe 3 or 4.
In what cities have you been painting?
Valparaiso, Santiago de chile, Antwerpen , Essen, Salvador de bahia, Rancagua, Freiburg, San antoni, Bern, Seville, Barcelona, Bilbao, San Sebastian, Catania, La Habana, México City, Buenos Aires, New York, Vienna, Stockholm, Lisbon, Copenhagen, Paris, Milán, Marseille, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Brussels, London, Valencia, Hamburg, Berlin, Stuttgart, Koln and who knows where else…
What is the biggest problem you have come across while painting?
The Gib 2008 in Berlin.
What combination of colors did you choose for this, and why?
I chose Azul Avatar since I’m such a big fan of James Camerons movies…(laughs). I really like how this color covers and i like how it combines with the red wagons of the Deutsche Bahn. It covers perfectly.
What is the longest period you have gone through without painting?
This something you can’t ask people… (laughs).
How was your experience of painting with hardcore2?
2 What do you think?
vamosss frssssss!!
swiss writer that paints 5 trains a year in switzerland and travels everywhere to paint with contacts.. great choice for versus... saludos lu
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