What is it that a writer really wants or expects from a spray can?
The ability to paint throughout the whole year, no matter what the weather conditions are like and takes advantage of every little ml. of paint. A spray paint that covers well and lets us fill in faster, a fat line for the moments when it is needed or when working fast and precision is required.
The Mega Plata (Silver Chrome) is presented with these objectives in mind. An all terrain spray can that doesn’t fail in the most important of moments and offers you totally unmatched results. We have developed the Mega to withstand the harshest of tests , making it the perfect tool for any type of situation that a writer can find himself in.
With 600 ml. You never have gotten more from one can! Guaranteed to cover a surface area of at least 12 m2 , super-fast drying times that allow, the immediate painting over with any other colour. An unmatched coverage, even on the most porous of surfaces, whilst still maintaining its exterior resistance and shine- even in really low temperatures – and a line thickness of up to 25 cm. All the attributes we have no doubt, you’ll know how to take advantage of, in those key moments.
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