Lyon writer GRIS1 always spoils us with nice walls in many colors and with a lot of contrasts. The VERSUS project puts him to the test with only one color.
‘Rosa Amor’ is a perfect name for a color like this. The Frenchman pulled it together perfectly, and took benefit of the situation and dedicated the piece in homage to his loved one. A true romantic!
And also… with the video… here is the classic interview.
Quantity: What is the most pieces you have made in a single day?
Well… more or less 15… color, silvers, throw-ups…
Covery: In what cities have you been painting?
Countries… France, Spain, Italy, Mexico, Brazil, Australia, Denmark, Holland, Tunisia… and a whole lot more.
Pressure: What is the biggest problem you have come across while painting?
The police.
Colors: What combination of colors did you choose for this, and why?
I don’t care about my name… i saw ROSA AMOR, so i had to do my girlfriends name!
Drying: What is the longest period you have gone through without painting?
3 Months, because i was setting up an exhibition.
How was your experience of painting with hardcore2?
Very good. covers well, pressure is good… all good actually. Perfect to paint big and fast.
2 What do you think?
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