Noble is a writer from Barcelona that since beginning to paint back in 2003 has developed a personal predilection for wild style graffiti. On the outside Noble might seem to be a conventional wall painter judging from his style and outstanding techniques… Lets se if this is true or not.
Hello, I write Noble and my crews are Future Classics and GXP. I was born in Terrassa but live in Barcelona since i was a kid, I am 28 years old now.
I started sketching in 2001, and didn’t use spray cans to paint with up until 2003.
Why did you choose to begin painting graffiti?
I was always drawing and painting and one day graffiti came along, and I always had eyes for the painted walls in my neighborhood. Along with the years i kept on drawing and I related a lot of what I did to listening to heavy metal, and i always liked the typographies of the album covers of this kind. I kind of linked this with my way of painting.
But why this type of graffiti?
I guess the answer is there in my last answer… The typographies of the heavy metal albums are sometimes similar to wildstyle in many ways. wild and untamed letters, more or less violent, which conserves the structure of each letter and combined together creates a structured whole and powerful form.
Things that separates and brings illustration and graffiti together. What do they mean to you?
Between the graffiti and the illustrations I create there is a lot of difference. I always tried to keep them separated. Illustration is the field where I try to make my living and where I can express more personal and intimate things. My abstract side. Graffiti is something completely different to this, I go out painting to have fun, to disconnect from daily life and share experiences with my friends. I always try to do my best yet on every wall I make, speaking of both forms and colors.
I guess I could paint my illustrations on walls, its not like I find it complicated, but for the moment i like do letters on walls, and characters on paper.
What things impress you?
I get impressed by trajectory, constancy… a composition of colors that goes well together, some skills and most of all a well done blackbook.
References and roots?
-When I started to paint I found a lot of inspiration in the work by Dare TWS (RIP), It opened my eyes to see his pieces, I learned that there is thousands of combinations you can do to make you’re piece evolve and change character on every new wall you make without loosing you’re own personal style. The 3D hyperrealism by Daim made me freak out too. Bates and 123klan for their styles. I also always kept my eyes on the pieces by Radok, Aeec, Hat, Musa, Pako, Posk, the montana technicians, Hock, Pornostars and all the stuff that was cooking at that moment. My references in style today are too many to even start mentioning. Information is too fast now… The amount of material you can find on the internet is too much today… Unconciuosly you pick up stuff from all over the place.
With who would you like to paint?
I like painting with a lot of people. There is people all mover the world that it would be nice to share a wall with to create nice productions. The problem is that there is not enough time to paint with them all.
With who would you like to compare yourself?
To tell you the truth it never even occurred to me to compare myself with someone else. I paint to have fun, but sometimes its fun to compete on a level of friendship with people you know, I don’t believe there is anything wrong with that.
One of my best memories is a day I went to paint in a town close to Barcelona, I was going to do a wall they told me was legal in the middle of the street. When i came to the wall I saw that it was right in front of a local bar full of people from the neighborhood. I started to paint and 10 minutes later all the people from bar went out and started coming towards me. I thought I was going to get in some serious trouble… Thats how it seemed at first sight. In the end they where really happy to have someone decorating the walls in front of their local hang out place, and they even gave sandwiches and beers.
Another funny story I remember is when me and Fobia went to paint after work once in 2009. We took the car to this place outside of Barcelona to do a wall you can see from the highway. We came prepared to make a nice wall in full color. It was kind of cold that day and after having primed the wall white we toke a stroll while the paint dried up. Half hour later we came back and saw a couple fucking against the wall… Him with his back against the recently painted wall. We waited and laughed about the situation, and when they left we saw that his whole back was covered in white. She noticed it, but it was too late of course, they went separate ways and we went back to finish our wall. We laughed a lot that day.
What did you think graffiti would bring with itself for you when you started?
My expectations when I started painting, I don’t really know. I can’t remember I even thought of this.
You’re work is about illustration or about graffiti?
In terms of illustration and graffiti i do my work from home. I also have a job that doesn’t have anything to do with this at all.
Goals and ambitions?
I want to live from doing this… Illustrate, paint. Live from doing what i love.
Do you think you are still painting in 10 years?
I sure hope so! As long as I can take it!
Something to add?
Regards to everybody.
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