The repression that exceeds the Brittish legislation on the subject of graffiti is nothing new. Noir was condemned to 16 months in prison, Hoover got another 16 months, and the latest one to go is Oker that got nothing less than 2 years behind bars. They are all examples of the unjust power that is being used against graffiti writers in Great Britain. Convictions at the height of serious crimes for graffiti related crimes in a supposed to be developed country like England.
The case of Vamp is with no doubt the most surprising one of them all. Respected photographer and father of two, is now facing 3 and a half years of imprisonment for damages to the amount of 250,000 pounds. At the same time, as we could have expected, the Brittish media is applauding this type of measures while dramatizing and making exaggerations about graffiti in their papers, and especially in the case of Vamp.
2 What do you think?
A mi no me molaria que me sacasen si me pillan, con el nombre y apellidos!!
Y si bien pintar graffiti es ilegal, y eso significa que si te pillan, te juzgan y te condenan. No es "normal", ni "comparable" que como cuenta Alex Fakso en su instagram ( se condene a un pedófilo a 15 meses de prisión, mientras que a Vamp se le condene a 42 meses de prisión.
Free Vamp, he got 2.5 years for graff and another year for creating fake evidence to get away with it. Oker, Ceres, Gmoney are all still in jail. Free all writers and fuck BTP.
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