Malakkai is the last artist to be invited to hang his work in our space at Montana Cafe and Restaurant. With the humor and wittiness which is characteristic for him he brings us a fun reflection of the nomenclature behind aerosols.
‘I don’t know who invents the names of the cans, but it would be the job of my life for sure. Like if i name a color Violeta Geisha, everybody wants to paint geishas, or if you call a yellow can Amarillo Canarias (Canarias Yellow) everyone wants to go to the Canary islands. And maybe if you call a color Yosemite they would think of… of… sometimes its impossible to make a parallel between name and color, so i mean so what? Why not give the cans names that represents the color inside it to make things clearer?
I have brought this idea to bed many times and i thought it was strange that no one ever did something on this theme. So i did some drawings to try it out. When i was given the opportunity to make an expo in Montana cafe i did not hesitate to leave all deep messages behind and instead have some fun and dedicate the show to the main tool of graffiti.
My illustrations are made with red Windsor&Newton ink, red Bic pens and acrylics. Red is great because you can make both dark and light drawings without having it become as aggressive as black can be.
The idea of it is that the can represents the color inside it to avoid having to learn strange names like Thalassa or Frisco…. Some of them are obvious, but really funny to invent, like for example Verde Manzana (Apple Green) and violet pastel (Cake Violet). I also invented names like Gris Totoro, a grey can with some blue in it that should exist. The Marron Bocata, (sandwich brown), or the Rosa Chueca (crooked pink), dedicated to my crew OGT with whom it is impossible to not laugh and have fun with.’
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