A month ago we posted a trailer for the festival Mural 2013 in Montreal. Today we can show you some videos to sum up what happened during these three days. The event featured both local names like Jason Borkin and Chris Dyer, and international ones like Roa and Pixel Pancho to name a few.
The wall made for the project was presented below the name ‘En Masse x Rogers‘, and became a fantastic work where names like Scaner, Dan Buller, Nixon, Waxhead, Five and Befour participated in the creation. The piece makes a reference to to the world of tennis by linking itslef to Rogers Cup which also is held in same canadian city.
2 What do you think?
Jason Botkin & Chris Dyer are not Locals, they are transplants (USA and SOuth america)
il manque VILX MU dans vos crédits. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=468600809894892&set=a.394572703964370.95440.394569820631325&type=1&theater
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