Ponk, from the crew Heavy Artillery is our new guest…
Brighton 2011
‘I guess there’s no real explanation, particularly when you never paint using an outline, as to why some pieces work and some don’t.
This was a big wall painted in central Brighton with a lot of fellow crew members including Wany (IT) and Storm (DK) who made the trip for a bit of a get-together.
For some reason I felt like a lot of good aspects of my pieces came together on this one. The colours details and effects all compliment each other. I remember going back past it in the morning on my way home and considered putting on some lasers.
I’m glad I left it now.’
Lisbon 2012
‘I’d been taking some much needed family time on the south coast of Portugal and on the way home I took a quick pit stop in Lisbon before catching the plane home.
I called up my old friend Huim and asked if he had any time and any central spots we could paint. After a quick bite to eat and a stop by the shop to check out the (at the time) brand new hardcore 2 colours, we were painting a central street spot as trams rolled past behind us packed with tourists. We had to be quick as it was the middle if the afternoon and once the second tram went past, the driver clocked what was going on so we new it was time to finish up, plus I had a plane to catch!’
Barcelona 2013
‘Over the past year I’ve really been enjoying simplifying my pieces. Thinking about the basic and classic structure of letter forms and stripping everything back. This piece doesn’t exemplify this but its more or less is where i’m at right now.
To me there’s nothing like exploring abandoned spaces, factories, schools, offices, tunnels full of asbestos, glass, human faeces, junky needles, and the sort of people that are turfed out by society. It’s probably most peoples idea of hell, but once I’m inside they’re like the most peaceful and tranquil escape from the hectic city life that may just be on the other side of the wall, but you’d never know.
Recently I’ve been exploring my surroundings as much as possible and due to different circumstances been painting alone a lot more. My pieces have become much quicker much more fluid, less bothered about the technicalities of a 6-8hour piece and as a result I’m much happier with the finished thing.‘
2 What do you think?
C zamo Graffiti https://www.facebook.com/couleursSourcing?ref=hl
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