This sundays Postcard will show you the cover of a magazine worth mentioning.
The issue in particular is the last one of Egowar, a magazine exclusively dedicated to graffiti on subways all over the world.
The image is of a writer preparing his paint next to a panel in the metro. We can see him in the darkness between the train and the tunnel wall, but what makes us notice him is the fluorescent light above his head which also brings out his silhouette. The light also reaches the wagon and gives us a glimpse of his characteristic design. The peculiar multicolored lines on the panel makes it easy to determine that we are talking of Caracas subway fro the capital of Venezuela.
The writer in question is Motiv from Germany, which managed to go to action all alone in this metro system during his vacations there back in 2009. The picture of the rolling piece can be found on the last page of issue number 2 of Goodfellas. The power of this action photo, unedited until now, has received the exposure it is worth to get from being the front cover of Egowar magazine.
The design of the this train model has to be mentioned. The multicolored lines is like a signal for the wagon, it almost urges to get painted on… even if this is just a funny thought and a fantasy.
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