Javier Abarca, a professor of the Complutense University of Madrid and responsible for the site Urbanario.es, has put in motion a cycle of nineteen conferences on the subject of graffiti and urban art which will have its start this Tuesday the 29th of October at 20:30 in La Tabacalera in the spanish capital.
Abarca, specialized in matter, has since seven years held a subject of graffiti and urban art through the faculty of fine arts at the UCM on the Aranjuez campus. We can find the detailed program of his classes through he following link.
The conferences, which are offered for free, will be held every tuesday from the 29th of October until 17th of December, and start again from 14th of January up until the 25th of March, and are always held from 20:30 to 22:30 in the auditorium of the self driven social center La Tabacalera, (Calle Embajadores 53, Madrid). The capacity of the auditorium will set the limit of possible visitors.
‘Space Odisea’ by Spok.
“The historic examples of graffiti are surprisingly many, and they show us how these informal writings on the wall has taken part of our everyday life and on all social levels throughout most periods of time and places: From the ancient greek times until the twentieth century, throughout the medieval times and the romantic era.“
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