Some weeks ago we developed a project at IKEA in the town of Badalona outside of Barcelona. The object was to customize furniture and the responsible artists to perform the act where the well known local artists, illustrators and designers Sawe, Inocuo and Btoy.
We also want to mention that these furnitures has a solidarity aim, and will be auctioned tomorrow (saturday) from 12:30 at the same IKEA in Badalona where they where made. The takings of the sold objects will be donated to the food distribution project Voluntaris Badalona, and if you would like to bring one of these objects home we suggest you go there and put bids on the ones you like! For more info on how to participate just click here.
Thank you IKEA Badalona for counting us in to organize this project, and a warm thanks to the participating artists.
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