With tattooing as a first reason, Brus went to Seville to be attended to by Logan, a devoted tattoo artist and one of the most famous graffiti artists of the city. And of course Brus took his time out to leave three of his incredible wild styles behind while visiting the location.
‘It was my first time in Seville. I set this trip up to be tattooed by Logan, one of the tattoo worlds best artists right now. Evidently I couldn’t resist painting on the trip, so with some help from a bunch of MTN Colors I managed to do some pieces. It was really nice, I met so many wonderful people, the food was yummy and the weather couldn’t have been better. Something of a perfect trip which included graffiti, tattoos and really cool people.
I have to send some thanks out to my friends Zoer, Ed Zumba and many more, same as for Montana Colors and Montana Shop Sevilla for all the help.‘
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