Since last year the Color Charts of Montana Colors (you can get them for free in any store that sells MTN products) includes a brief review of a certain geographical graffiti scene. After having presented the Nordic countries and Lisbon, with the next edition of color charts it’s time for a visit to Australia. Bon voyage!
‘The graffiti scene on the island continent known as Australia, is not as young a scene as some might think. Since the early 80’s, writers have been getting down whether that be on walls or trains, with supreme flavour.
During the late 80’s and early 90’s Australia saw it’s golden era, as writers totally blitzed the system in a never-ending quest to get up. Like most other countries, authorities tried to stamp our art form out, but to no avail, as the amount of writers and the work being produced only grew stronger and larger. This being, in spite of the very draconian punishments handed down to artists.
Nevertheless, there is an ever present thirst for graffiti Down Under and even though the courts will hand down a stiffer sentence to a graffiti artist than a child molester or rapist, graffiti in Australia is most definitely here to stay. Get used to it.
Today in Australia, there is a mix of Oldschoolers and Newschoolers dropping mad burners, which without a doubt rival the quality coming from any country across the globe. Something Aussie writers can really be proud of.’
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