The latest production of Inti seems to have created certain controversy. The chilean artist recently decorated a torn down wall in Quintanar de la Orden (Toledo, Spain). While practicing his freedom of expression, which was an agreement for the project, the artist of Stgo Under made a composition of impressive visual results like always, but which this time did not satisfy all types of tastes due to its message.
The image is a Don Quixote with his face covered, a heart pierced by weapons and the symbol of the 15M movement (a movement sprung from the large pacifistic demonstrations which occurred all over Spain in 2011). The image has rapidly come to gain the name “El Quijote del 15m“. As a consequence various representatives of the right wing run city council has demanded the symbol to be erased immediately, claiming that the image is a “direct provocation”.
The opinions of the neighbors seems to have been of many different kinds, all from complete support of the message to anger towards the censorship.
To stop the controversy Inti Castro had to hide the letters of 15M, but however remaining the rest of the artwork which was financed by the city council of Quintanar de la Orden with different donations.
The mayor of the municipality, Carlos Madero, shielded the act of censorship by claiming that a publicly funded artwork should not contain any political references: “We believe that a government administration shall not subsidize the political content of anyone”.
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