Barcelona, the city that saw Montana Colors grow in reference to the Graffiti and Street Art scene since the start of the new millennium were the obvious reason we inaugurated, in 2004, our first official Shop & Gallery. This project model came about from the idea to be able to find in one place both the works of young talented or international writers and, at the same time, be able to find our MTN products, be it produced by ourselves or part of our vast distribution network.
2014 is the ideal moment to release his own limited edition, reminiscing over his ten years of existence.
The artist Oriol Last Minute from Barcelona has created a exclusive illustration which reflects different sceneries from the city of Barcelona. You can find them on a limited edition spraycan, a shirt (which comes in two different models) and a serial illustration. All this to celebrate our first decade of existence as Montana Shop Barcelona.
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Hola Sergio Disculpa por tardar en contestar. Puedes probar a ponerte en contacto con nuestra tienda online para España y Portugal: http://www.sprayplanet.com/ Saludos
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