Montana Colors Australia don’t stop showing us some of the jewels of the Oceanic graffiti scene with a special focus on Sydney, the hometown of graffiti writer Keis. He became introduced to the world of graffiti in the mid nineties, and his styles combines his inspiration of classic New York graff, which is typical for Australian graffiti, with personal experimental expressions of intrepid character.
Heres some images and extracted fragments from the longer interview made by our australian partners.
‘I’m from the Lower North Shore of Sydney and just represent myself, my friends all know who they are.‘
‘I actually enjoy graffiti more as an adult, you are so far removed from the whole “scene” and the bullshit that goes along with that. You just need to remember that you are an adult and not do stupid things that are going to effect your adult life.‘
‘94′s are unbelievable for a legal writer like me, but if I had to do something quick you can’t go past Hardcore 2′s.‘
‘Growing up I was really into Style Wars and the whole New York style. I was a massive fan of all the TM-OSF guys, I basically used to copy (very poorly) Kerock’s KE and Roms’ S. It very slowly developed into my own style now.’
‘Style-wise I love looking at guys like TASTE, SIRUM, ASEND, SONE and so many others. For cleanness PHIBS and JIESK.‘
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