Even Egs was able to pick out three of his favorite pieces in the large amount he has to choose from. Lets check out the Three Aces of the finnish style king.
Egs, Mellie & Nims, window-down whole car, Hastings, England, 1995
‘This is one of my favorite trains. Unfortunately I have lost the photo with Nims part of this car. I had started experimenting with my graffiti, trying to make every piece different than what I had done before. I have rarely painted characters but here I did a portrait of the artist as a young man.‘
Trama & Egs, Tallin, Estonia, 2009
‘Great day in Tallin with big bag of old spray cans. I like this because we mainly used old car spray instead of modern day graffiti paint. Experimenting with weird paint and styles is something that I never get tired of. Start of with no idea and finish with something that you don´t understand but feel good about.‘
Egs & Trama, MCA memorial wall, Helsinki, 2012
‘We painted this the day after hearing the sad news of MCA passing away. I wanted to pay respect to my childhood hero. Beastie Boys were always two steps ahead of every one else. I wanted make this wall looking like what. I had imagined future of graffiti look like in 1987 when I first heard MCA rapping. We freestyled this wall with “Intergalactic” pumping in the background.‘
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