After having took a long hibernation of four years, Nonstop Culture Magazine is back to present their 24th issue.
Nonstop holds a very important position on the scene of european graffiti magazines since they are one of the publications with most released issues, and they maintain their recognizable style and keep playing a fundamental role for swiss graffiti.
This is what they have aimed to show us in this latest exemplary which picks up the flavor of Nonstop issues of the past, both due to its aesthetics and its content. At the same time they put their foot down by exclusively dedicating the number to the swiss scene only, showing us that the graffiti movement in the country of chocolate and multipurpose knifes is more alive than ever.
There is, as always, a section which focuses on street graffiti and mural productions. But still, what really abounds is of course trains. Ninas, colibris, double deckers… made by both new names and more consecrated writers. The activities the crews 031, HYPE and OWZ really stands out, but the freights also plays an important part thanks to the NOFX crew. A long interview introduces us to old school writer KAM, and the now mythical “Hello, my name is” section puts Kroko 403 in the spotlight. To wrap up the issue they have made a special section where we get introduced to the extremities of Gucci 031.
It is definitely a diverse issue which brings us back to feel the nostalgia of the Nonstop magazine we always knew.
You can get this magazine through Layup.ch
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