Removable paint
Introducing the new removable paint ‘Color Chalk’, from the Montana Colors ‘Specialty’ line. 8 highly opaque, matte colors designed specially for temporary application.
Its formulation allows the paint to dry quickly to the touch without leaving loose pigment dust. For its removal we recommend scrubbing with a damp cloth or pressurized water, this way making for an easy cleanup. The less porous the painted surface, the easier the cleaning.
The residuals from cleaning are environmentally friendly and can be disposed of, even down drains.
Its quick and easy cleaning is much appreciated in temporary markings such as (construction, sports events, etc.), cinematographic decoration, Guerrilla marketing, or any other situation where the versatility of spray paint and an easy removal is necessary.
‘Color Chalk’ provides an endless amount of advantages over standard chalks, and as for its removal you just need to moisten it with water.
8 matte colors
Removal by moistening with water
Dry to the touch once dried
No airborne dust
Temporary marking
Guerrilla marketing
2 What do you think?
Hola Eva! Siguen disponibles pero ahora bajo la etiqueta de la gama MTN PRO, no en la MTN 94 como antes. Mira: https://www.sprayplanet.es/producto-MTN-PRO-Pintura-de-Tiza-Borrable?id=30750
Hola, buenas tardes. ¿Han sido retirados del mercado en España? Son imposibles de encontrar.... Gracias.
You can mail to our distributors to ask... Israel: capzoola@yahoo.com Amsterdam: info@henxs.com Thanks!
Hi there! Where are these available for purchase in Israel and Amsterdam? Thanks
You can ask our distributors in Canada: info@mtncanada.com Thanks!
Where are these available in Canada, please
they are already! All the best
When will these be in the shops? I need them :) Cheers, Bisser
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