The Chilean artist, Unonueve, has shared some of his recent work with us again. On this occasion the production was carried out together with the Columbian artist, Gleo.
‘Articulación Latina’ (Latin articulation) is the name of this most recent, large-scale mural done by GLEO (Columbia) and UNONUEVE (Chile) for Pictopia 2015, the international festival that took place in Medellin, Columbia.
This is the second mural on which the artists have worked as a duo and they achieved a visually stunning result, not to mention it was well received by the local residents in the area. Its abundance of details and bright colours full of energy, draw in the viewer. The mural was made based on the brotherhood and unity that must exist regardless of territorial boundaries, flags, and coat of arms, and in understanding that we all part of the universal energy and must flow within it, with respect and humility.
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