The surprising connection between Belarus and Brazil is back for more during the event Vulica Brazil, and this years edition has been held during the last month. Artists from Latin Americas biggest country has together with artists from Belarus come to decorate the Oktyabrskaya street with enormous mural art works to bless the senses of the by passers.
The last three weeks were quite exciting in Belarus, since the country held an event called “Vulica Brasil” that celebrates the urban art movement from both countries.
On its 3rd edition, Vulica Brasil brought very interesting brazilian representatives, like L7M (polychromatic ornithology), Finok (popular culture’s lyricism), Imai Yusk (mystical Japanese-Brazilian sensitivity), Ramon Martins (“Big Bang” of shades) and Speto (subversion of the concept of time and space between Brazil and Belarus). As if such talent wasn’t enough, the capital did welcome for the second time, as special guests, the duo OSGEMEOS.
In tune with the brazilians, the belarusian team was represented by the main names from local urban art, as Bazinato (fantastic surrealism), Busel (urban conceptualism), Cowek (myths and nature), Grino & Ivan Tame (fantastic surrealism), Hade (creative fury of Orsha), Izum (thematic and pictorial versatility), Kontra (belarusian roots), Marat RGB (intuitive abstraction), Mutus (innocence of youth) and Pisliak (tradition versus modernity).
On September 17th, the final day of Vulica Brasil, the Oktyabrskaya Street was transformed into a pedestrian street with stages for music concerts, an organic food plaza by Jam Market, live painting, popular dance and brazilian carnival elements presentations with the participation of the singer Ju Moraes from Salvador – Bahia, birthplace of samba, rhythm that completes 100 years in 2016.
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