Yet another Barcelona native has come to add material to the archives of the “Hello My Name Is” section at Spraydaily. Our friend Mer from Prat is who has been asked to answer the questions this time. As we always do, we made a selection of pieces and some extractions from his declarations.
“I don’t like especially those who do not even try to do something good, painting by painting.“
“I do not want to miss the stage that I lived in Madrid (…) painting a lot and make good friends like Rise, Thor, Jeosm, Mamon, Jam, Sha…“
“I think the new generation comes stomping raring and especially style. And I like that, it gives me more desire to continue painting and improve.“
“I have always set much in the style of New York, it is that I like. (…). But most of all my friends that I paint more like Paco, Tontos, SoCool, Iber, Rezo, Kore, Dyem…“
2 What do you think?
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