If you think about the best wildstylers in the Iberian Peninsula, surely one of the first three names that come to your mind would be Roice183. The infallible, supreme technique that this writer from Elche possesses makes him a complete writer who dominates spray paint at his own will.
The people over at Spraydaily know that well and that’s why they chalked him up on the list of their regular “Hello My Name Is” articles. It’s worth mentioning that the responses from the Elche-born style master are succinct, maybe because the pieces speak for themselves. As per usual we’ve brought you a selection of our favorites.
“I like it all, even the ugliest. I like all graffiti, what I don’t like are certain attitudes.”
“I live in a small city surrounded by palm trees where there is quite a lot of activity, however we are not many who paint. The good weather, constant friends visits and the trips make it quite fun.“
You can follow Roice183 on Instagram.
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