Between May 15th and 19th Poliniza Dos took place – the twelfth urban art meeting organized by the Polytechnic University of Valencia. In the spirit of previous editions, this 2017 edition opted for more experimental proposals, collaborating with foreign universities with the goal to fuel involvement with artists and international organizations. The entities with which dialogue was established on this occasion were the Faculty of Humanities, the Department of Fine Arts of the University of Puerto Rico and the Santurce en Ley platform. Vero Rivera, Alexis Diaz, Quintin Rivera Toro and ActyTwo were the Puerto Rican artists who participated in the contest together with Blanqk (Greece), and Amparito, El Rey de la Ruina, Srger and Rosh from Spain.
Once more, Poliniza became a meeting point for dialogue and exchange between artists, theorists, associations, institutions, the university community and society.
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